What’s everyone hearing on liquid pricing prepaid for spring?
Has anyone priced 32% for 2024?
32% - $396 last fall, booked all that I needed. 10-34-0 - $640 but have 65 ton left from last year @ $460.
"In order to be "victims", we must continue to cooperate". Corruption at every level in America today. A wholesale lack of respect by corporations, politicians. Americans deserve better but will only get what we're willing to fight and die for. Get a pair and fight the powerful.
Instead of asking what is the fertilizer prices are, should the question have been.." What is the solution to the inflated input costs?" A supplier in the area rejected a NH3 price that was offered to them. Kudos to them! Perhaps we should inform middle men what price we are willing to pay. A crop marketing company show a group of farmers that at these fertilizer prices farmers can pay at the...
You guys are right the thiefs will jack up everything and get the goldmine And us poor hard working soccer's will get the shaft and just get poorer. GH Malta mt
When are we all going to quit being mice and letting big corporations dictate how much money we make! Everyone we buy inputs from driving new trucks wearing nice clean cloths working out of brand new million dollar buildings with way too much help. Every year they find a way to take from our bottom line and the gentleman is right this will take years to recover from if you can’t sacrifice other as...
Potash - $747
28-0-0-3s - 610
46 - 0-0 - 945
44-0-0 ESN - 1145
10-34-0 - 779
All NY prices.
$ 865 ton for potash
$ 940 ton for map
$ 790 ton for 10-34-0
$ 580 ton for 28%
EC IL Prepay
32% $626
NH3 $1509
8-18-6 $865
We booked DAP for $700 and Potash for $497 back in October
32% $545/ton
need 25% cash down
What a rip off. Soon as they jack the price up enough you will be able to get all you need
We have 9 gas wells on our property and haven’t seen any increase in mineral rights royalties. It is so dry here now and last year that those that put a lot of fertilizer on burned up their crop and got nothing. Unless we get a lot of snow this winter we won’t raise anything, so why fertilize?
We’re in a little different situation than the “drought” in Iowa were they only cut 150-180 bu corn.
Since anhydrous ammonia is manufactured with Natural Gas, and if you haven’t locked in spring pricing, you can hedge your pricing using natural gas futures. Just a thought. My bet is that major suppliers do just that to lock in raw materials prices.
Pre pay is tough. I have seen a few purchase what they can hold right now then put down $ at the company in incentive accounts earning interest on the pre pay. Spring is questionable no way to price anything right now .
Anhydrous prices as quoted by FBN farmers on Dec 6th. High prices across the country, but some differences regionally.
Direct shipped cash price from port of Catoosa, FOB
$885 Urea
$610 AMS
$775 Potash
$ 825 DAP
$ 870 MAP
Liquid FOB Cofeyville
$620 32-0-0
$558 28-0-0
0% JDF financing, other fertilizer locations that can be pulled from prices may vary port to port. Get phone number from website Liquid starter prices on 9-24-3, 6-24-6, 3-18-18-1s, 10-34-0 available.
That’s mirrors a lot in the south. We are higher on 28
Remember the four dollar a gallon LP a few years ago
They have to bring the costs down if they want farmers to plant corn. Otherwise there will be shortage of corn acres
650 in Arnold, Ne last week for 32-0-0
Little bit of market insight…
Where is this information posted originally
Granular urea in Alberta Canada is 1375 a ton right now
809 wi
32 and 28 with S is 700 delivered and expected to be 1000-1200 first of the year.
We have couple thousand tons to sell for $650 if it hasn’t moved without me being told. Price probably firm due to supple. CF held up on domestic price and shipping south equator
If you can get a price here on anything, you have to take delivery right away, nothing deferred
NH3 was 365 last fall now 1,500 can’t get to good of a yield by not using it Buddy at terminal said they where full But 10-34-0 not getting to terminal in Hastings NE
Just locked in 32 for 585. Have to pay all up front. Screwed up my balance sheet for years to come I would imagine.
That was in Hemingford. They had a week that price was good. It was only for so many tons to sell. When they were gone they were gone.
Where did you find that price ?
Actually it is. With the input prices going up this much, I won't be able to upgrade equipment or buy needed equipment. That effects things for years to come.
It might mess up your taxes but it isn’t wrecking your balance sheet
I just bought 25-0-0-4 for $430 ton. I was told it will be $530 next year
Maybe….but remember who is telling you that….
Many suppliers in our area don’t have a price which is very scary. We sell Conklin liquid fertilizer and I have fertilizer and a price every day and have shipped many loads already and can ship anywhere in the US. This is a scary situation that the ag industry is in right now. It is important to have on farm storage and take delivery of fertilizer now if possible. I would be happy to help so reach...
My nutrien supplier in Michigan won't even give me a quote right now. And no, it's not because of my credit. I think they are afraid of what is going on in the market