How do I fix issues with FBN text (SMS/MMS) messages?

Have you experienced issues receiving or sending text messages in response to a Farmers Business Network poll or price alert?

Here are some tips to troubleshoot these issues.

  • I'd like someone else on my farm to receive polls from Farmers Business Network.

  • When I receive an SMS poll, I reply but I do not receive the resulting insights (i.e. images or graphs).

    • We often send results back using a different type of message, called MMS. You may need to enable MMS messages on your phone. 

    • To enable MMS messages on an iPhone, 

      • From the Home screen, tap Settings.

      • Scroll down to and tap Messages.

      • Scroll down, then to enable, drag the MMS Messaging switch to ON.

      • To disable, drag the MMS Messaging switch to OFF.

    • There are many Android devices on the market so you may need to search google for "how to enable MMS messages on an Android [Device model #]".

    • If MMS messages are enabled but you still do not receive these messages, you may wish to speak with your carrier. 

  • I'd like to be removed from future SMS/MMS messages.

    • Not a problem! Simply log into your FBN account, click on the down arrow in the top right corner next to your initials and then click on “My Profile”. From here, click on “Notification Preferences” on the left side. On this page, deselect the option listed for Polls.

  • I have another question that isn't listed here.

    • Please give us a call at (844) 200-FARM or email

Do you have additional questions?


Call or text 1800 749 140