New FBN® Report: 2024 Planting Intentions

FBN Network

Mar 28, 2024

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FBN released its annual 2024 Planting Intentions Report exclusively to participating FBN members yesterday and is now making it publicly available to all members and growers across the United States.

Click here to access the free report.

To develop this survey-based report, the FBN Data Science team asked FBN members across the United States about their planting plans in 2023 and 2024.

The primary goal of this survey was to maintain FBN's promise to put Farmers First® by using data analysis to turn poll responses into helpful advice, empowering members and farmers across the industry to make smart decisions that can lead to increased profit potential.

Acreage Estimates

The report outlines the predicted acreage mix for six key crops across the U.S. for the 2024 growing season, including:

  • Corn

  • Soybeans

  • Spring wheat

  • Winter wheat

  • Sorghum

  • Cotton

As an example, the FBN Data Science team forecasted 87 million acres of soybeans in 2024 vs. 83.6 million acres in 2023 based on survey data. Of all growers surveyed nationwide, 73% reported no change or an increase to their planned soybeans acres.

Click here to access the full report and view planting intentions across all six crops.

Report Methodology

An electronic survey was sent to all U.S. FBN members for participation between February 26 and March 24, 2024. The survey collected respondents':

  • Intended acres for 2024 for key U.S. crops

  • 2023 planted acres

  • Postal code

Any responses that were incomplete or inconsistent were removed from the analysis. The confidence level provided per crop in the report is based on the number and geographic distribution of responses for each crop.

It’s important to note that all personally identifying and farm-related information is excluded from these survey results. Only FBN has access to the final data, keeping it private and carefully protected.

Click here to access the report.

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Additional free guides and downloadable financial templates related to farmland purchases, ag equipment maintenance, and business-focused or personal financial tracking can be found here.

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FBN Network

Mar 28, 2024

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