Regenerative Agriculture, Meet Gradable™

Brian Paff

Sep 14, 2020

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As a farmer, you are a steward of the environment. Just take a look at all of the conservation practices you’ve incorporated into your operation: No-till and strip-till farming, using variable rate fertilizer applications, planting cover crops and any other number of activities that aim to care for the land you farm and other natural resources. 

But while these measures have obvious benefits—from addressing production costs to supporting yield objectives to promoting the long-term sustainability of your farm—it is still surprisingly difficult for you to reap a tangible financial reward for your efforts.

At the same time, consumers are increasingly interested in—and willing to pay a premium for—products that reflect a commitment to the environment. 

How then can you take advantage of this growing market demand for sustainable agriculture products and receive fair compensation for regenerative agriculture practices?

Introducing Gradable™ 

Today we launched Gradable™ to begin reimagining the grain supply chain and expanding your access to Low-Carbon Grain premiums.

Our integrated platform puts new technology and services into your hands, helping facilitate the environmental scoring, sourcing and pricing of your grain. 

Want to get more out of your sustainability efforts?

We’re also supporting your conservation efforts by focusing on carbon abatement strategies backed by data-driven insights. Gradable pilots have achieved great success to date, demonstrating 20 percent emissions reductions against national averages.*

“We’re happy to find out that the practices we’ve adopted are saving us money and making us a better return.”

- Todd Hanten, South Dakota**

Gradable is likewise working to align the supply chain to better connect you with consumer-packaged goods companies, animal feed providers, biofuel makers and the world’s other major grain buyers.

The end result of this shared effort is to both accelerate the adoption of regenerative practices and give you the opportunity to maximize your profit potential.

Find out how Gradable can work for your operation

Ready to take advantage of these new benefits for regenerative practices? Learn more about Gradable and how we can support your sustainability and profitability goals.

* Results and averages calculated using Argonne National Laboratory’s GREET model

**Testimonial is not indicative of future performance or success.

© 2015-2020 Farmer’s Business Network, Inc. All rights reserved. The sprout logo, “Farmers Business Network,” “FBN,” and “Farmers First” are registered service marks of Farmer’s Business Network, Inc. or its affiliates and are used with permission. Copyright ©2020 Gradable. All rights reserved. “Gradable” and the Gradable logo are registered trademarks of Gradable.

Brian Paff

Sep 14, 2020

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