#PLANT: 2 Ways to Use FBN to Track the Weather

FBN Network

Mar 21, 2018

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Understanding weather patterns and behavior is a vital activity for every farmer heading into planting season, which is why we've built robust field-level weather tracking software that draws from over 40,000 weather stations, as well as NOAA and NASA data feeds.

Our weather tracking provides vital weather information updated as often as hourly, and allows you to compare trends on 13 weather variables such astemperature, precipitation, wind speeds, soil temps, Growing Degree Units (GDUs), Evapotranspiration (ET) and soil moisture.

Here are 2 ways to use the Farmers Business Network Analytics Platform to track weather ahead of planting.

  1. Determine if your soil is warm enough to start planting

  2. Check the precipitation your fields have experienced in the past week

Determine if your soil is warm enough to start planting

Using our field-level weather tracking charts you can see how your soil temperature has progressed at either the 0-10cm or 10-40cm depth level. Our charting tools even help you compare patterns year-over-year.

Check the precipitation your fields have experienced over the past week

In order to minimize soil compaction, you'll want to make sure your fields aren't too wet at planting. Before going out and physically checking every field you can chart our the cumulative precipitation to get an idea of whether or not a field might be too wet. 

Weather Tracking Isn't Just for Planting

The weather tracking features in FBN Analytics aren't just for planting season. You can stay on top of your crop through out the growing season by tracking over a dozen variables helping you do everything from forecast yield to plan your spraying.

  • Minimum Temperature

  • Average Temperature

  • Maximum Temperature

  • Daily Precipitation

  • Cumulative Precipitation

  • Average Wind Speed

  • Max Wind Speed

  • Soil Moisture

  • Soil Temperature (0-10cm)

  • Soil Temperature (10-40cm)

  • Growing Degree Day (corn)

  • Evapotranspiration (ET)

  • Solar Radiation 

FBN Network

Mar 21, 2018

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