We provide farmers with a platform to save money by procuring chemicals from as far up the supply chain as possible. We take the quality of the products we procure seriously and only source chemicals from reputable, vetted suppliers.
FBN guarantees that the products conform to the applicable label on the product package. If the product package is damaged by us or our delivery agents during shipment, or the product does not conform to the label, FBN will replace the product at no additional cost to the grower. If a grower finds any product that they have purchased through FBN Direct to be unsuitable before it is applied (such as a cloudy or discolored chemical), FBN Direct experts are available to evaluate the grower's concern and arrange delivery of replacement product when needed. We do not provide any guarantee on product performance or crop outcome, nor do we offer a respray program. We do not offer a respray program or product warranty to be able to reduce costs and pass on more savings to our members. Contact us to receive complete terms and conditions of sales. Our support team can be reached anytime at support@farmersbusinessnetwork.com.