8 New Things You Can Do with FBN Analytics℠

Charles Baron

Apr 19, 2019

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1. Understand what is affecting your yields inside all your fields. 

Which fields did you overplant? In the new FBNAnalytics, you can see how your yields varied by seeding rates, planting speed, elevation, crop rotation and Soil Productivity Index inside every field for any growing season. By selecting a particular year or “All Years” you can now understand variability between growing seasons and analyze multi-year trends. By seeing yields by Soil Productivity Index, you can determine how much your soil quality affected your production.  

2. Discover seed profitability and costs for every field and every seed. 

Which seeds made you the most money? By combining your seed costs with your precision data, the new FBNAnalytics break out which seeds had the best price-to-yield ratio on every field. Was that expensive racehorse hybrid worth it? Did upping your seeding rate payoff? FBNAnalytics calculate each seed’s cost per bushel and cost per acre for every field and your whole farm.  

3. Benchmark yields by nitrogen use, crop rotation, and tillage.

See how your whole farm and each of your fields compare to other growers like you on key agronomic variables. Are you over applying nitrogen? Now you can see how your yields compared to other growers using the same application rates in your region. How are your no-till or strip-till acres performing? Are you optimizing your continuous corn rotations? Find out how you stack up on these and 8 other critical benchmarking variables.

4. Rank your seeds by profitability, yield, and soil type across your entire operation.

The new FBNAnalytics allow you to view how well varieties performed not just by yield, but by soil type, profitability, and cost, across your whole operation. You can quickly determine which seeds performed the best in your soil types across all your acres, and which ones lagged. Plus, you can see how each seed’s performance on a given soil type benchmarked to other farms that planted the same seeds on the same soils.

5. See how planting temperature, precipitation, and tillage affected yields on your operation. 

What was your highest yielding planting temperature? The new FBNAnalytics break out how planting temperatures impacted yields for your whole enterprise for any given year, or analyze multi-year trends. Are your fields spread over many miles? Yield by Precipitation highlights the impact of field weather. How are your tillage practices yielding across your farm? View yield by tillage at the enterprise, farm, and field level.

6. Smarter seed placement with enhanced soil type profiles. 

In the new soil type profiles, you can quickly see which fields contain a given soil type and on how many acres. Plus, for any soil type, the top 25 yielding seeds with full performance profiles are just a click away. The FBN dataset has performance information on over 4,500 US soil types that cover over 500 million acres.

7. Search over 1,500 seeds faster in the enhanced FBN Seed Finder

Interested in finding the best 105 day WYFFELS®seeds on Drummer soil, drained, in 2015?  Seed Finder now remembers your search criteria, so when you click out of each seed profile you can pick up exactly where you left off!  

8. Navigate more intuitively with lightning fast page loads. 

We’ve spent countless hours working with our farmers to build the most intuitive FBN system possible. Now you can seamlessly switch between the enterprise, farm, and field levels on the same analytics. Easily view maps without having to navigate away from your field data. Keep all your data files and field events organized, dig into Seed Finder, or check prices in Procurement, and as always, do it at lightning fast speeds.

Charles Baron

Apr 19, 2019

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