Buy and Sell Farm Machinery, Equipment and Services with FBN Community

Kat Rokhlin

Jun 10, 2020

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We’ve seen firsthand at Farmers Business Network℠ just how valuable it is for you to be able to connect with other farmers. 

The community we’ve been able to build together—which today is nearly 11,500 farmers strong—gives you access to knowledge, resources and support from others who’ve experienced some of the same challenges you face on a daily basis.

That’s why we’re excited to roll out two new features within the Community tab in your FBN app: 1) a classifieds section, where you can buy and sell used equipment, offer services and more; and 2) the ability to build out an expanded profile, so you can more easily connect with others across the network.

Goods and services now available through FBN Community

We’ve heard many of our members express a need for the ability to exchange goods and services across the network, and we couldn’t agree with you more.

Farm machinery and equipment can represent a significant operating cost in your budget, and buying used machinery (or selling equipment you no longer need) can help you more effectively manage your bottom line. 

We also know that in addition to growing your own crops, many of you offer professional services—custom application, spraying, aerial imagery, consulting and more—that are of values to others in the network.

By introducing a For Sale section in Community, we’re working to facilitate a space where you can easily post machinery, equipment and services for sale as well as browse offers to address the needs you face on your own operation. 

What results is a win-win for both the seller and the buyer.

To offer a good or service, simply navigate to the Community tab in the FBN app and create a new post and select For Sale from the category options. 

You’ll then be able to include a title, description, cost and supporting images as well as indicate your preferred method of communication so you can manage next steps in the transaction via email, phone or text message.

If you’re in need of a good or service, just use the filters in the Community app to browse listings in the For Sale section. 

Build more meaningful connections in our online forum

Our members-only FBN Community forum provides you with a space where you can post questions, share ideas and connect with other farmers across the network. 

Since we launched this space in our online platform in 2019, FBN members have interacted across any variety of subjects, from weed management strategies to equipment maintenance to photos of planting and harvest progress.

We recently gave FBN Community a facelift to help you more easily navigate through the forum and participate in conversations that are most relevant to you and your operation. 

We’ve also upgraded your ability to build out your personal profile on FBN Community. Now you can share more about yourself, your experience and the type of operation you run as well as learn more about others who are active in the network.

We know online spaces can’t replicate every aspect of in-person interactions, but we’re hoping we can continue to help you build meaningful connections with other FBN members.

Enjoy the new upgraded experience in FBN Community

These new features are live and available in your FBN app under the Community tab. Log into your account today via your desktop, tablet or mobile app and start connecting with other farmers across the network.

Kat Rokhlin

Jun 10, 2020

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