Introducing an Easier Way to Find Your Way Around the FBN® Mobile App

FBN Network

Mar 17, 2022

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At FBN, our Product Team is constantly thinking about our member’s experience and developing both large and small changes to make that experience better. This post is about the latter – a small change that will provide a big improvement to your overall experience.

Over the last several years we’ve introduced numerous products, services and features – all focused on helping farmers manage an ROI positive business.

But as we grew, navigating our mobile app to find and use those experiences was becoming less intuitive. So a change was made.

To see the change, just look at the bottom right corner of the mobile app – it doesn’t matter if you use an iPhone or an Android phone.

The icon with three stacked bars, sometimes called a hamburger menu, now does something entirely different than it did a month ago – they display all the options available to navigate the app. And its goal is to help you move around the different parts of the app a bit faster.

This improvement is important to call out since it changes the way you’re able to move around the app. The bar at the bottom of the app is persistent and always offers four key destinations:

  1. Home

  2. Shop

  3. Market

  4. Community

But there is a lot more to FBN – Finance, Insurance, Analyze, Seed Finder, etc. And there are a lot more actions you may want to take – manage your notification preferences, manage your profile, see the status of premium programs or subscriptions you may be participating in.

All of those options are now available by tapping on the Menu icon.

Once you open the menu, it should work very much like other app and website menus you’re already familiar with.

Just tap the product or feature you are interested in. In some cases, a sub-menu will be displayed so you can choose the exact product or feature you want to interact with.

In the example above, if you tap on Market, it will open a sub-menu that gives you access to the different features in the Market experience. 

Each time you pick up your phone to use the FBN app, you have a specific objective in mind. While this change is small, the goal is simply to make it easier for you to be successful each and every time you use our app.

Copyright © 2014 - 2022 Farmer's Business Network, Inc. All rights Reserved. The sprout logo, Farmers First flag logo, "Farmers Business Network," "FBN," and "Farmers First" are registered trademarks of Farmer's Business Network, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Terms and conditions apply.

FBN Network

Mar 17, 2022

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