Exploring In-Season Options for Foliar Crop Nutrition

Colin Pennington

May 27, 2024

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Once a crop has emerged, there are additional foliar options that can help provide balanced nutrition and limit the impact of abiotic stress. Whether it’s the weather, stress from other pesticides or nutrient deficiencies that just don’t show until later, it’s equally as important to understand what factors you are trying to impact in-season as it was before the season began.

Planning for Complete Crop Nutrition

Plants need a balanced package of nutrients to address any potential late season yield limiting deficiencies as well as prevent antagonism by overapplying any single nutrient that may tie others up.

Nourish Vitals™ contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sulfur along with 6 additional micronutrients essential for plant growth at a balanced ratio to help address in season needs while preventing this unwanted nutrient antagonism in addition to providing the crop with the right balance to effectively transition from vegetative to reproductive growth.  

Nourish Vitals helps push late vegetative to early reproductive development and improve tolerance to abiotic stress. It is complexed with plant-based peptides containing the amino acids essential for plants.

The peptides act as an efficient carrier to allow for rapid uptake and rapid translocation throughout the plant. Ideal application timing is in the late vegetative stage to early reproductive at 32 oz/A.

Proactively Addressing Weather and Chemical Stress

The impact of weather events such as being too hot, too wet, too cold, or too dry requires the plant to generate energy to get through those stressful periods.

During this process of diverting energy to combat stress, yield potential is lost. Atarrus™ provides the plant with supplemental energy and tools to signal plant health to prevent negative impacts from weather stress such as too much or too little heat or moisture. 

In addition, Atarrus contains 18 essential amino acids in peptide form that provide supplemental energy to help the plant better metabolize chemicals to minimize any negative damage from chemical stress.

Atarrus is best used as a preventative product prior to stress but may be applied following stress to help the crop bounce back faster. Ideal application timing is in the early to late vegetative stages at 16 oz/A.

[RELATED: Not sure how to perform a jar test? Start here.]

Shop for Crop Nutrition Products 

Support plant health with a broad range of crop nutrition products from FBN. Not sure which product is the right fit for your unique needs?

Try the new Crop Nutrition Product Finder, designed to help you streamline and simplify your crop nutrition selection process. Filter by crop, application method, and product benefits to get customized, agronomist-recommended results.

You can also reference the Crop Nutrition Product Glossary, a downloadable guide designed to walk you through the details of FBN's diverse range of crop nutrition products.

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FBN Direct products and services and other products distributed by FBN Direct are offered by FBN Inputs, LLC and are available only in states where FBN Inputs, LLC is licensed and where those products are registered for sale or use, if applicable. If applicable, please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. Nothing contained on this page, including the prices listed should be construed as an offer for sale, or a sale of products. All products and prices are subject to change at any time and without notice. Terms and conditions apply.

ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS. It is a violation of federal and state law to use any pesticide product other than in accordance with its label. The distribution, sale and use of an unregistered pesticide is a violation of federal and/or state law and is strictly prohibited. We do not guarantee the accuracy of any information provided on this page or which is provided by us in any form. It is your responsibility to confirm prior to purchase and use that a product is labeled for your specific purposes, including, but not limited to, your target crop or pest and its compatibility with other products in a tank mix and that the usage of a product is otherwise consistent with federal, state and local laws. We reserve the right to restrict sales on a geographic basis in our sole discretion. You must have a valid applicator license to use restricted use pesticides. Please consult your state department of agriculture for complete rules and regulations on the use of restricted use pesticides, as some products require specific record-keeping requirements.

All product recommendations and other information provided is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for consulting the product label or for specific agronomic, business, or professional advice. Where specific advice is necessary or appropriate, consult with a qualified advisor. Neither Farmer's Business Network Inc. nor any of its affiliates makes any representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the statements or any information contained in the material and any liability therefore is expressly disclaimed.

Colin Pennington

May 27, 2024

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