The Master Distribution Agreement consists of the general terms to transact with FBN Direct® and agreement is required prior to shipping your FBN Direct order. This agreement only needs to be signed once.
Those that are required to agree to these terms are:
The Billing Contact - This is the person checking out the cart in or the guarantor of FBN® financing.
The RUP Contact if restricted use chemicals are being purchased and if the person is different from the Buyer or the Billing Contact.
Note: If the Master Distribution Agreement is sent by a customer support representative via DocuSign, the Buyer will be required to sign if they are not the Billing Contact.
Any order placed is not complete until all necessary parties agree to the Terms of Sale. If this is not done promptly, your pricing cannot be guaranteed and your order may be canceled.
For how to agree and sign the Master Distribution Agreement, please see article How do I Sign the Terms of Sale (Master Distribution Agreement).