
Daniel Turkovich

Danny Turkovich is FBN Head of Product and leads the design and development of FBN web and mobile products. Danny grew up working on his family’s farm located on the edge California’s Sacramento Valley where they raise tomatoes, alfalfa, rice, wheat, sunflowers, and other crops. Previously, Danny helped his brother establish Winters Cheese Company and Turkovich Family Wines in their hometown of Winters, California. He earned a bachelor’s degree in wine and viticulture from California Polytechnic State University, where he focused on food, agriculture and internet technology, and earned an MBA from the University of California-Davis.

Agronomy • Equipment & Tech

Yield & Soil Maps

Aug 19, 2015

by Daniel Turkovich

FBN yield maps work for any crop with an associated harvest file. Farmers Business Network members can upload unlimited acres to be cleaned, stored, benchmarked, analyzed and mapped in FBN.