Yield & Soil Maps

Daniel Turkovich

Aug 19, 2015

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FBN has cleaned and analyzed millions of acres of harvest data from over a dozen crops such as corn, soybeans, and wheat. FBN members can see all their soil and cleaned yield maps for each of their fields. Combining FBN’s seed, agronomic practice, and yield analytics with better maps gives farmers deeper insights into what’s affecting their yields inside each field.

Yield maps work for any crop with an associated harvest file, including all major grain and row crops. Members can upload unlimited acres to be cleaned, stored, benchmarked, analyzed and mapped in FBN. FBN works directly with the raw harvest data from the monitor file and cleans and quality checks it before presenting the map.

Browsing maps in FBN is fast and easy, it’s as simple as clicking from field to field. Users can scroll through maps for each year of data uploaded in their account. By including soil maps, comparing yields across years and crops to soil types is easy.

Maps can also be shared between farmers, their advisors and crop consultants.

To learn more about Farmers Business Network visit our website. To see your maps today, contact support@farmersbusinessnetwork.com or call 1 (844) 218-8039.

Daniel Turkovich

Aug 19, 2015

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