Access Chem Price Insights with FBN®’s Price Transparency Tool

Upload your non-FBN ag chem invoice to unlock chem price trends for hundreds of products.

Are You Paying a Fair Price for Ag Chem Products?

Price variability can add major costs to already expensive ag chem essentials, but price intelligence puts you in control so you can be confident you’re paying the best price. 

FBN’s Price Transparency Tool, available exclusively to FBN members who upload a non-FBN chem invoice, reveals the latest price intelligence for hundreds of products. Simply upload a recent invoice to unlock free access. 


Earn a $25 Gift Card When You Submit a Non-FBN Invoice

For a limited time, get rewarded for powering chem pricing insights. Simply upload a non-FBN invoice and we’ll aggregate and anonymize your submission, sharing ag chem market pricing trends directly back with you and the rest of the FBN member community.
How to Upload an Invoice

Unlock Access to the Exclusive Price Transparency Tool

To access the free tool, just upload a non-FBN invoice following the instructions provided in this video.

There are 3 easy ways to upload an invoice: on this page, on a product page, or via email.


Benefits of the FBN Price Transparency Tool

Price variability is a pervasive problem in ag. Farmers can pay more than 4x as much as one another for the same chem products. To put Farmers First® and empower you to make informed purchase decisions, we developed the groundbreaking FBN Price Transparency Tool so you can: 

  • See what other farmers are paying nationally

  • Benchmark prices to compare against other local farms

  • Track seasonal trends and see how prices change over time


Be Confident in Your Chem Purchases

Our annual FBN Ag Chem Price Transparency reports reveal actionable pricing insights from aggregated, anonymized invoices submitted by farmers across the U.S. The free reports uncover local and national price trends and share the latest breakdowns on how global pricing environments for active ingredients are poised to impact U.S. ag chem markets. 

2025 USA Ag Chem Price Transparency Report Laptop Graphic