For SaleHarvest
5 Things to Remember When Buying Ag Chemicals Online
When it’s time to buy Ag chemicals for your operation, there are a lot of decisions to be made. There are also a lot of things to remember. The good news is that buying ag inputs, crop protection, crop nutrition and seed products is easy when you purchase through FBN Direct®.
Wyfels or Becks
I currently use Wyfels Hybrids, and they are outstanding, and I'm wondering if becks is better, or worse, because I have a guy saying becks is better.
Sold some current becks 10 years ago in another bag. It was good corn back then ok today.
Understanding Branded vs. Generic Crop Protection Products
Whether you’re looking to buy peanut butter, pain relievers, or crop protection chemicals, a branded product from a company you know over a low-cost, no-name generic feels like the safe choice. But what’s the real difference between generic and branded crop protection products?