Root Aphid

Every product that labels ROOT APHID as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Adage™Annex® LFR®Atrevia™ 3.0% SLAttendant® 480 FSAttendant® 600 FSAxcess™ Insecticide Seed TreatmentAzaGuard® Botanical Insecticide/NematicideBatallion™ LFCBifender® FC InsecticideBifenture® LFCBioCeres® GRBotaniGard® 22WPCapture® 3RIVE 3DCapture® LFR®Chlorpyrifos 4E AGChlorpyrifos 4E-AGCounter® 15-G Lock'n Load®Counter® 15G Smartbox®Counter® 20G Lock'n Load®Counter® 20G Smartbox®Counter® 20G SmartCartridge®Cruiser® 5FSDyna-Shield® Imidacloprid 5Elliptica™Ethos® 3D Insecticide/FungicideEthos® Elite LFR® Insecticide/BiofungicideEthos® XB Insecticide/FungicideFlagship® 25WGGaucho® 600 FlowableGCS Bifenthrin LFCGovern® 4EHatchet® InsecticideHero® EWHero® InsecticideLancer® FCLegend™ 5L STLorsban® 75 WGLorsban® Advanced InsecticideLorsban®-4E InsecticideMacho® 480 STMacho® 600 STManticor™ LFR® In-Furrow Fungicide/InsecticideMeridian® 0.33GMeridian® 25WGMovento®Movento® HLMovento® MPCMycotrol® WPONitro Shield®Nitro Shield® IVNufos® 4E (RUP)Resonate™ 480 STResonate™ 600 STRevere® 2.0Revize® Imida STRuckus™ LFR® InsecticideSeguroSenator® 600 FSSenstar™ InsecticideSharda Imidacloprid 5SCSniper® LFR®STartUP™ IMIDA Seed TreatmentTemitry™ LFR®Tepera® PlusTepera® Plus HDTepera® Plus HDTundra® LFCVulcan®Warhawk®Warhawk® ClearForm®Whirlwind®Willowood Imidacloprid 4STXpedient® Plus™Xpedient® Plus™ VYuma® 4E