Tansy Ragwort

Every product that labels TANSY RAGWORT as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
2,4-D Amine 42,4-D Amine 42,4-D Amine 4 Herbicide2,4-D LV 42,4-D LV 4 (Albaugh)2,4-D LV 6 (Albaugh)638 HerbicideAgri Star Dicamba HDAlligare 2,4-D AmineAlligare 2,4-D LV6Alligare Dicamba 2,4-D DMAAlligare Dicamba 4Alligare MSM 60Alligare Triumph® 22KAmine 4 2,4-D HerbicideBanvel 480 HerbicideBanvel® HerbicideBarrage® HFBase Camp® Amine 4Base Camp® LV 6Battleship® IIIBrash®Broadrange® 55 HerbicideBrush-Rhap®BurnMaster™ HerbicideCandor® HerbicideCapstone® Specialty HerbicideCasoron® CSChange Up™ Selective HerbicideChaparral™ Specialty HerbicideCimarron® MaxCimarron® Max HerbicideCimarron® Max Part BCimarron® Max Part B HerbicideCimarron® PlusCimarron® PlusClarifier®Clarifier®Clarity® herbicideClash® Selective HerbicideClean Slate® (Nufarm)Colt®+Salvo® HerbicideCornbelt® 4Lb. Lo Vol EsterCornbelt® 6Lb. Lo Vol EsterCrossbow® By United SuppliersCrossbow® HerbicideCrossbow® HerbicideCrossbow® Herbicide (Dow)Crossbow® LCrossbow™ HerbicideCrossroad®D-638De-Amine™ 4De-Ester™LV4Deadbolt®Defy® Amine 4Defy® LV-4Defy® LV-6Detonate® HerbicideDetonate® Herbicide (old version)Diablo® Herbicide (Nufarm)Dicam De-Ester®Dicamba De-Amine®Dicamba DGADicamba DMA SaltDicamba DMA Salt 5Dicamba HD® 5Dicamba Max 4Dicamba XPDiCash DGA-4DiFlexx® DUODiFlexx™ HerbicideDisha DMADistinct® herbicideDMA® 4 IVM HerbicideDoleac™ DMADolerity™ DGADrexel Dicamba HerbicideDuraCor®E-2 HerbicideElement® 3A Specialty HerbicideElliptical™ HerbicideEmbed® ExtraEmbed™Engenia HerbicideEnlist One™Escalade® 2Escort® XPEscort® XPFeXapan™ herbicide Plus VaporGrip™ TechnologyFive Star®ForeFront® HLForeFront® R&P Specialty HerbicideFreelexx®Garlon® 3A Specialty HerbicideGCS 2,4-D LV 6 EsterGF-3335Graslan® LGravitas®GrazonNext® HLGrazonPD3™Gunslinger AMPGunslinger® P+DHardBall®Havoc LV-SixHavoc™ LV FourHi-Dep® Broadleaf HerbicideHi-Dep® IVM Broadleaf HerbicideHighNoon™ HerbicideHorsepower® Selective HerbicideImitator® 18% ConcentrateImitator® 25% ConcentrateLandmark® XPLatigo®Lima 6Lineage® Clearstand® HerbicideLo-Vol 4 2,4-D Low VolatileLo-Vol 6 2,4-D Low Volatile HerbicideLontrel® Turf and Ornamental HerbicideLow Vol 4 Ester Weed KillerLow Vol 6 Ester Weed KillerLV 400 2,4-D Weed Killer Solvent FreeMaestro® DMalibu™MezaVue™Milestone® Specialty HerbicideMilestone® VM Plus Specialty HerbicideMilestone® VM Specialty HerbicideMSM 60WDG Select™Opensight® Specialty HerbicideOrchard Clean®Orchard Master® Broadleaf HerbicideOrchard Master® CA Broadleaf HerbicideOrchard Star®Oust® ExtraOust® ExtraOust® XPOust® XPOutlaw®PasturAll® HL Specialty HerbicidePasturAll® Specialty HerbicidePasture Pro® HerbicidePatriot® HerbicidePerfection® Weed & Feed 21-7-14PicturePrescott HerbicidePyresta®Radar™ AM 4Range Star®Range Star® XLTRenovate® 3Rifle®Rifle®-DRometsol®Rugged® HerbicideSaddle-Up®Salvo®Scorch™Scorch™ EXTShredder® 2,4-D LV6Shredder® Amine 4Shredder™ 2,4-D LV4Shredder™ E-99Sinkerball®Solve™ 2,4-DSpitfire™ HerbicideSpyder® Extra Selective HerbicideSpyder® Selective HerbicideSterling Blue® HerbicideSterling® BlueSterling® Blue DGAStreamline®Strike Three Ultra® 2Strut®Sure Power® Selective HerbicideTahoe® 3A HerbicideTelar® XPTelar® XPTenkoz® Lo-Vol 4 2,4-D Low VolatileTenkoz® Lo-Vol 4 Solventless HerbicideTenkoz® Lo-Vol 6 2,4-D Low Volatile HerbicideTerraVue™Throttle® XPTide MSM 60 DF HerbicideTopeka®Tordon® 22K Specialty HerbicideTordon® K Herbicide Specialty HerbicideTriclopyr 3Triclopyr 3ATriple Shot™Triumph® 22KTrooper® 22KTrooper® P+DTrumpcard®Trycera®Turret®Unison® Novel BroadleafVanquish® HerbicideVastlan®Vengeance® Plus Selective HerbicideVeteran® 720 HerbicideViewpoint® HerbicideVision™ HerbicideWeedar® 64Weedmaster® HerbicideWeedone® 638Weedone® 650Weedone® LV4 ECWeedone® LV4 SolventlessWeedone® LV6 ECWhetstone™ HerbicideWhiteout® 2,4-DXtendimax w/VaporGrip Technology (2020)XtendiMax® With VaporGrip® Technology