Component TE-G with Tylan
Component TE-G with Tylan
Component TE-G with Tylan
Elanco US, Inc.

Component® TE-G with Tylan®, 100 Dose

Category: Big Order Discount Eligible, Implants

Species: Beef Cattle

Active Ingredient(s): estradiol (8 mg); trenbolone acetate (40 mg); tylosin tartrate (29 mg)

Requires Prescription

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$179.76 ($1.80/dose)

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Big Order Discount - Take an extra 5% off eligible Animal Health orders over $2500. Discount applied in cart.

Product details

Each cartridge belt holds 20 doses of Component TE-G with Tylan (trenbolone and estradiol and tylosin implant) Implants. Each dose of 3 pellets consists of 2 pellets containing a total of 40 mg of trenbolone acetate and 8 mg estradiol plus 1 pellet containing 29 mg tylosin tartrate as a local antibacterial. Component TE-G (trenbolone and estradiol implant) Implants are recommended for use in pasture cattle (slaughter, stocker, and feeder steers and heifers) for INCREASED RATE OF WEIGHT GAIN.

Component® and Tylan® are registered trademarks of Elanco US, Inc.