Type: Biostimulant
Active Ingredient(s): High Uptake Nutrient (1 lbs/gal)
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Save 20% on Zinc EPC™ when you purchase a minimum of 275 Gal of Inhabit P™. Thru 2/28
For corn farmers using liquid starter fertilizer who want to store and handle less fertilizer, Inhabit P™ is a low-salt, high-efficiency starter that provides an up to 10x reduction in product used with a proven ability to maintain expected yields when using at a rate of 2 qts. vs. 5 gal. of conventional starter. Unlike conventional starter fertilizer such as 10-34-0, Inhabit P contains a unique micro-humate complexed with phosphorus that keeps nutrients available to the plant and reduces tie-up which results in less product purchased, stored, hauled, and applied.
ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS* Farmers First is a trademark of Farmer's Business Network, Inc.
Have you tried using #InhabitP instead of another starter #fertilizer? Tell me about your experiences. Are you using it in-furrow, 2X2, or another way? Are you using it on #corn or other crops? If you are planning to use it for the first time, what was the driving factor that led you to try it? Your response may be displayed on other FBN.com pages. By posting a response, you agree to the terms at https://www.fbn.com/product-talk-disclosures
I haven't personally tried it yet, but once this rain clears up, I do have some on the way that I will be testing this year. I plan to put it up against our normal 10-34-0/1 qt Z, and against nothing. Should be interesting!
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