Inject Myco Jug
Inject Myco Jug
Inject Myco Positioning Graphic
Farmers First™

Inject-Myco ADV™

Type: Biostimulant

Active Ingredient(s): Soil Probiotic (1 lbs/gal)

Estimated delivery to choose your location by: N/A

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Manufacturer state registration


$1,588.10 each




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Product details

Inject-Myco ADV™ is a soil-applied mycorrhizal formulation that provides enhanced root growth and water utilization. Unlike other mycorrhizal products Inject-Myco ADV is a highly concentrated mycorrhizae formulation without clays and other insoluble elements that stimulates root colonization faster, (in as little as two weeks), providing enhanced stand establishment and stress adaptability.

ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS* Farmers First is a trademark of Farmer's Business Network, Inc.

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