CeraMax Jug Image
CeraMax Jug Image
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CeraMax Seedworld blurb
Ceradis B.V.

CeraMax® Biological Seed Treatment


Type: Fungicide

Active Ingredient(s): Natamycin (1.25 lbs/gal)

Product details

CeraMax® is a biological seed treatment for the prevention of soil-borne fungal diseases like Rhizoctonia spp and Fusarium virguliforme, the causal agent of Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS).

A first-of-its-kind technology, CeraMax has an environmental profile with stewardship and seed safety attributes not offered with most synthetic seed treatments. Plus, it has better return on investment for both grower and seed retailer.

Performance Features

  • Equivalent in SDS protection to ILevo® and Saltro®

  • Biological profile that is better for seed, plant, and soil

  • No phytotoxicity, seedling stress, or ‘Halo’ effect

  • Active ingredient that shows no signs of resistance

  • Easy-to-use formulation, low use rates, broad compatibility


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