Prevail Equine Paste, Apple Flavor, 30 g

Prevail Equine Paste, Apple Flavor, 30 g

As compared to Banamine Paste for Horses

Category: Anti Inflammatories, Big Order Discount Eligible, Companion Animal

Species: Equine

Active Ingredient(s): flunixin meglumine

Requires Prescription

Estimated delivery to choose your location by: N/A

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$22.49 ($0.75/g)

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Take $10 off your first companion animal (canine, equine, feline) order with PROMO CODE: 'FBNPETS10'

Big Order Discount - Take an extra 5% off eligible Animal Health orders over $2500. Discount applied in cart.

Product details

Prevail Equine Paste (Flunixin Meglumine) helps alleviate inflammation and pain associated with musculoskeletal disorders in horses as well as helping reduce fever. Each 30 gram syringe contains Flunixin equivalent to 1500 mg.

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