Vetrimec Family

Vetrimec 1% Injection (Ivermectin), 50 mL

As compared to Ivermectin 1% Injection Value Pick, Ivermectin 1% Injection (Durvet) or Noromectin 1% Injection (Ivermectin)

Category: Big Order Discount Eligible, Parasiticides & Dewormers

Species: Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Swine

Active Ingredient(s): ivermectin

Estimated delivery to choose your location by: N/A

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$26.76 ($0.54/mL)

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Big Order Discount - Take an extra 5% off eligible Animal Health orders over $2500. Discount applied in cart.

Product details

Vetrimec 1% (ivermectin) is an injectable parasiticide for cattle and swine that offers convenience, broad-spectrum efficacy and safety. One low-volume dose effectively treats and controls the following internal and external parasites that may impair the health of cattle and swine: gastrointestinal roundworms (including inhibited Ostertagia ostertagi in cattle), lungworms, grubs, sucking lice, and mange mites of cattle; and gastrointestinal roundworms, lungworms, lice, and mange mites of swine. CATTLE: Do not use in female dairy cattle of breeding age or calves to be processed for veal. Meat withdrawal: 35 days. Administer SQ only in front of or behind the shoulder. SWINE: Meat withdrawal: 18 days. Administer SQ in neck, immediately behind the ear.

Vetrimec® is a registered trademark of VetOne

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