Category: Big Order Discount Eligible, Supplies, Disinfectants
Species: Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Swine, Poultry
Active Ingredient(s): sodium chloride; potassium peroxymonosulfate
Estimated delivery to choose your location by: N/A
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Big Order Discount - Take an extra 5% off eligible Animal Health orders over $2500. Discount applied in cart.
Virkon™ S is versatile and can be used for non-porous hard surfaces, agricultural production equipment, vehicles, wheels, boot disinfection and day to day farm disinfection. The broad spectrum efficacy of Virkon™ S has been proven effective against: 61 strains of virus, 33 strains of bacteria and 7 strains of fungi. In-use diluted solution is non-corrosive to skin and eyes. For non-porous hard surfaces, agricultural production equipment, vehicles, wheels, boot disinfection and day-to-day farm disinfection.