As compared to Alpha-7, Caliber 7 or Ultrachoice 7
Category: Big Order Discount Excluded, Vaccines
Species: Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep/Goat
Active Ingredient(s): clostridium chauvoei; clostridium septicum; clostridium novyi; clostridium sordellii; clostridium perfringens type C; clostridium perfringens type D
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Big Order Discount - Take an extra 5% off eligible Animal Health orders over $2500. Discount applied in cart.
This product has been shown effective for the vaccination of healthy cattle and sheep against Clostridium chauvoei, C. septicum, C. novyi, C. sordellii, C. perfringens Types C & D. This product was licensed prior to the requirement to establish a minimum age for use. Duration of immunity has not been established. For more information regarding efficacy and safety data, go to
Vision® 7 is a registered trademark of Merck Animal Health
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