Vitamin B-12 1000 Injection (VetOne), 100 mL
Vitamin B-12 1000 Injection (VetOne), 100 mL
Vitamin B-12 1000 Injection (VetOne)
Vitamin B-12 1000 Injection (VetOne)

Vitamin B-12 1000 Injection (VetOne), 100 mL

As compared to Vita-Jec B12 1000 Injection (Aspen), Vitamin B-12 1000 Injection (Clipper) or Vitamin B-12 1000 Injection Value Pick

Category: Big Order Discount Eligible, Companion Animal, Other Drugs & Treatments

Species: Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Swine, Sheep/Goat, Equine, Canine, Feline

Active Ingredient(s): cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) (1000 mcg/mL)

Requires Prescription

Estimated delivery to choose your location by: N/A

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$7.99 ($0.08/mL)

Discounts calculated in your cart and checkout

Take $10 off your first companion animal (canine, equine, feline) order with PROMO CODE: 'FBNPETS10'

Big Order Discount - Take an extra 5% off eligible Animal Health orders over $2500. Discount applied in cart.

Product details

For use as a supplemental nutritive source of vitamin B12 in cattle, horses, swine, sheep, dogs and cats.

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