Katie Hennegin
Based in Cameron, MO. Katie has 6 years in Ag lending. She was raised on a family farm with cattle and horses. She enjoys family, barrel racing and the outdoors.

Carla Lappe
Based in Nashville, IL. Carla has 16.5 years at Farm Credit Illinois and 2.5 years at Ag Resource Management (ARM). Raised in petroleum marketing.

Blake Bogaard
Based in Gilbert, IA. Blake has 4 years of Ag lending experience. He enjoys family, dogs, coaching and golf. He also enjoys family farming in Iowa.

Nikki Boyer
Based in Sonora, CA. Nikki has 12 years of Ag lending experience. She grew up working with local cattlemen and enjoys horses and camping.

Kurt Downs
Based in Sterling, IL. Kurt has 20 years of Ag lending and credit experience. He was raised on a grain farm and currently farms with his wife.

Jason Hamilton
Based in Sioux Falls, SD. Jason has 2 years of Ag lending experience. He was raised on a farm in Iowa that had corn, soy, hogs and turkeys. He enjoys family and church.

Kyle Hotz
Based in Lone Tree, Iowa. Kyle has 17 years of Ag lending and community banking experience. He enjoys showing cattle and was born and raised on a farm and runs a row crop and cattle operation.

Kayla Kniepmann
Based in Pocahontas, IL. Kayla has 12 years experience in Ag lending. She was born and raised on a farm and operates a corn/soybean operation with her husband.

Brandon Long
Based in Washington, IA. Brandon has 17 years experience in Ag lending and 20 years in banking. His background is in agri-business and was raised on a family farm.

Caleb Miller
Based in Wayland, IA. Caleb has 10 years of lending experience and 7 years of Ag experience. He runs an independent farrow-to-finish, hog and row crop operation and enjoys fishing.

Seth Moser
Based in Harrisburg, SD. Seth has 10 years of Ag lending experience. He was raised on a family farm specializing in row crop and cattle. He enjoys family, fitness and the outdoors.

Brandon Nicholson
Based in Santa Rosa Beach, FL. Brandon has 6 years of lending experience with Farm Credit and community banks. He enjoys hunting, fishing, sports and going to the beach.
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