
Every product that labels BUTTONWEED as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
AAtrex® 4L HerbicideAAtrex® Nine-O®Alligare Diuron 4LArrest PlusAtra-5® HerbicideAtrazine 4LAtrazine 4L (ADAMA)Atrazine 4L (Drexel) HerbicideAtrazine 4L (Helena)Atrazine 4L (Loveland)Atrazine 4L (Tenkoz)Atrazine 4L Flowable Herbicide (Sipcam)Atrazine 4L herbicideAtrazine 90DFAtrazine 90DFAtrazine 90DF (Drexel)Atrazine 90DF Herbicide (ADAMA)Atrazine 90DF Herbicide (Sipcam)Atrazine 90WDGAtrazine DFBasis® HerbicideBullet® HerbicideCertainty® Turf HerbicideCollide™ HerbicideConfidence®Confidence® XtraConfidence® Xtra 5.6LCornbelt® Atrazine 4LCornbelt® Atrazine 90DFCotoran® 4LDegree Xtra® HerbicideDegree Xtra® HerbicideDegree® HerbicideDetermine™ 4LDirex® 4LDiuron 4LDiuron 4LDiuron 4LDiuron 4L (Drexel)Diuron 80Diuron 80 DFDiuron 80 WDG Weed KillerDiuron 80DFDrillElectra 5.6LEndRun®EtcetraFarmer's First™ Acetochlor 7EC HerbicideFearlessFearless Xtra 5.6LFearless Xtra HerbicideGaligan® 2EGaligan® H2O HerbicideGCS Acetochlor 7ECGCS Atrazine 4LGCS Atrazine 90DFGoal® 2XL HerbicideGoal® 2XL HerbicideGoalTender® HerbicideGoalTender® HerbicideGovee™Harness® 20G HerbicideHarness® HerbicideHarness® Herbicide (Monsanto)Harness® XtraHarness® Xtra (Monsanto)Harness® Xtra 5.6 LHarness® Xtra 5.6LHelena Atrazine 4F HerbicideHelena Atrazine 90-DGInfantry™ 4LInfantry™ 90DFIntrro®Karmex® DFLariat®Linex® 4L Agricultural HerbicideLorox® DFMicro-Tech®Nufarm Double O™ SPC HerbicideOxyfluorfen 2E HerbicideOxyStar® 2EOxystar® 4LParrot™ 4LParrot™ DFPendulum® 2G granule herbicidePendulum® 3.3 EC herbicidePendulum® AquaCap™ herbicidePerfection® Weed & Feed 21-7-14Phoenix Hammerkop™ HydroCapPin-Dee™ 3.3 ECPin-Dee™ 3.3 T & OPowerZone® Broadleaf Herbicide for TurfSalvusScrollOVR™Scroll™ 2 XLSharda Fluometuron 4SCSpeedZone® Broadleaf Herbicide for TurfSpeedZone® EW Broadleaf Herbicide for TurfTrimec® 1000 Low Odor Broadleaf HerbicideTrimec® 992 Broadleaf HerbicideTrimec® Classic Brand Broadleaf HerbicideTrimec® Southern Broadleaf HerbicideVerify™Willowood OxyFlo 2ECWillowood OxyFlo 4SC