
Every product that labels SHARPSHOOTER as a weed, pest, or disease the product can be applied against is shown below. Click any product for label and more information.
Acronyx™ 2 FlowableAcronyx™ 4 FActara®Admire® ProAdvise® 2FLAdvise® FourAdvise® FourAgri-Flex® Miticide/InsecticideAlias® 2FAlias® 4FArtistAthena™ Insecticide/MiticideAvenger™ S3™Azera® InsecticideBelay® InsecticideBrigadier® InsecticideCavalry™ IICelite® 610Couraze® 2FCouraze® 4Couraze® 4FCriterion™ 2F InsecticideCriterion™ 75 WSP InsecticideCrossover® ProCrusader 2MECrusader® 1ECDeadzone™Debug® ONDebug® ONDebug® OptimoDebug® OptimoDebug® TresDebug® TresDebug® TurboDebug® TurboDeclare® InsecticideDeclare® InsecticideEx-icuteFarewell® Insect Growth RegulatorFirestone™First Choice® Narrow Range 415 Spray OilGrizzly® TooGrizzly® Z InsecticideIMAX PlusImidashot DF InsecticideKaiso® 24 WGKarate® InsecticideKarate® with Zeon™ TechnologyKendo® 22.8 CSKendo™ InsecticideKilter®Knack® Insect Growth RegulatorL - C InsecticideLada® 75WSP InsecticideLambda TLambda-Cy AGLambda-Cy™ EC Insecticide-RUPLamcap® IILamcap™Leaf Life® Gavicide Green® 415Leverage® 360Machete® InsecticideMacho® 2.0 FLMacho® 4.0 FlowableMalice® 2FMalice® 75 WSPMallet® 75 WSP InsecticideMerit® 2FMerit® 2F InsecticideMerit® 75 WPMerit® 75 WSPMidash 2SC Ag InsecticideMineiro™ 2 FMontana® 2FMontana® 4FNarrow Range 415 Spray OilNufarm Lambda-Cyhalothrin 1EC InsecticideNuprid® 2SC Soil/Foliar InsecticideNuprid® 4.6F ProNuprid® 4F Max InsecticideObelisk™Omni® Brand Imidacloprid 2F Flowable InsecticideParadigm®Paradigm® VCPasada® 1.6FPlatinum®Platinum® 75 SGPrey® 1.6Proaxis® InsecticideProaxis® InsecticideProaxis™PROKoZ® Zenith® 75 WSPProvince® IIProvince™Provoke™Pyganic® Crop Protection EC 1.4 IIPyganic® Crop Protection EC 5.0 IIPyganic® SpecialtyRavage®Scorpion® 35SL InsecticideSenstar™ InsecticideSerpent™ 1 ECSever™ 35 WSBSherpa® InsecticideSilencer®Silencer® VXN™Sivanto® HLSivanto™ primeSkyraider®Surround® CF Crop ProtectantSurround® WP Crop ProtectantSwagger®Tempest™ Dual-Action InsecticideTersus® InsecticideTide Imidacloprid 2FTide Imidacloprid 4FTriple Crown™ InsecticideVenom® InsecticideViloprid™ FC 1.7Voliam Flexi®Warrior II with Zeon Technology®Widow® InsecticideWillowood Imidacloprid 2SCWillowood Imidacloprid 4SCWillowood Lambda 1ECWillowood Lambda-Cy 1ECWrangler® InsecticideWrath® Insecticide