Now You Can Build Even Deeper Connections with FBN℠ Community

Kat Rokhlin

Jan 02, 2020

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Farming can feel like a solo endeavor, and places to connect with other farmers outside your own town or community can be quite limited. We launched FBN℠ Community to create a members-only space online where you can share personal experiences, contribute your own expertise and receive practical, unbiased advice from farmers across the U.S. and Canada.

A pair of new features in the FBN network app

To help facilitate even deeper connections across the FBN network, we’ve recently added two new features within the app. 

Keep connected when you “follow” other farmers 

Given the busy schedule on your operation, you may find it challenging at times to keep track of all of the insights and wisdom available on FBN Community. That’s why we’ve released a feature that allows you to “follow” other farmers. 

When you follow someone on FBN Community, you’ll receive notifications every time they create a post or comment on a thread. That way you’ll stay up to date on marestail conversations from your friends in Iowa and keep track of farm equipment questions from a farmer you follow in North Dakota. 

Following a farmer is as easy as typing in a contributor’s name in the search at the top of the page, clicking on their name (hyperlinked in blue) within the post and selecting Follow

Personalize your profile with a photo 

After attending an event like Farmer2Farmer, FBN Community can help you keep the conversation going and maintain some of the connections you’ve made. But with an ever-growing network of farmers, sometimes it’s helpful to be able to match a face with a name. 

You can personalize your FBN Community profile by uploading a photo of yourself. Simply click on the small icon in the upper left-hand corner of your Community screen, choose Update Profile and upload a photo of yourself. 

By contributing to FBN Community, “following” other farmers and personalizing your account, you’re playing an all-important role in building a stronger, interconnected network of farmers. 

Connect with other farmers across the U.S. and Canada

We're building something special at Farmers Business Network℠. Find out how a network of farmers like you have come together to make farming better for everyone.

If you aren’t a member of the FBN network, sign up for a free demo and find out how you can use our data-driven tools and insights to maximize your profit potential. 

Kat Rokhlin

Jan 02, 2020

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