How to Evaluate Corn Stands for Replant

Holly Thrasher

Jun 08, 2020

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At this point in the season, most corn is in the ground for farmers—and we hope that you are all seeing even emergence in every field by now.

But for some of you, weather challenges—either before, at or since planting—or any number of other issues may have led to concerns about the need to replant at least some part of your corn crop.

Want to know more about evaluating stands in your fields?

So how do you know if you should replant?

Replanting is not a decision to be taken lightly. In order to determine whether or not to replant, you’ll want to start by assessing your stand count. Here is a common method: 

1. First, measure out 1,000th of an acre. You can do this based on row width. For example:

20-inch row spacing: 26 feet, 2 inches 

30-inch row spacing: 17 feet, 5 inches

36-inch row spacing: 14 feet, 6 inches

2. Next, count all the live plants in the given row.

3. Repeat this process across multiple parts of the field, and average your findings. 

4. Multiply this number by 1,000 to find your per acre plant population.  

Once you have calculated your stand count, you’ll then have to evaluate what’s best for your operation. There are many factors that play into a replant decision, including:

  • Yield potential as of the new planting date compared to yield potential of a reduced stand

  • Increased costs (labor, fuel, etc.) of tearing up the original stand and planting new seed

  • Insurance coverage and replant guarantees

Need help evaluating your replant options? 

We know how difficult some of these decisions can be. Contact a member of the F2F Genetics Network™ team to help ensure you’re making the best possible decision for your farm and fields and explore your replant options.How do you control weeds post-emergence?

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Holly Thrasher

Jun 08, 2020

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