Together We Can Beat the Odds

Brian Paff

Nov 29, 2019

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We know how solitary farming can be, and that might not seem so bad at times. Those endless hours you spend alone in the cab, scouting your fields and harvesting your grain can be especially gratifying, particularly when the going is good.

But what about when the odds seem stacked against you? What happens when input costs soar and margins are tight? When weather impacts planting or harvest (or both)? When geopolitical events like trade wars and shifting markets put your operation at risk? 

That’s when farming can feel downright isolating.

You don’t have to do this alone

At FBN, we’re building something to counter that narrative. We believe in putting Farmers First®, and that means leveraging the collective power of a network of like-minded farmers. 

Our data-driven insights on seed performance and price, cost-saving prices on inputs, intelligent crop marketing advice, access to health coverage for farmers and more are all made possible because farmers like you believe that we are stronger together.

Farmer2Farmer V will put that theory into practice on December 11-13. 

Join us in Omaha December 11-13!

Sure, you’ll learn about cutting edge ag practices, see ways you can increase profit potential for your farm operation, get access to deals and discounts, and everything else you might expect from an ag conference of this size and scope. 

But more than anything else, you’ll have the unique opportunity to connect with other farmers across North America. 

You will be able to learn from one another, share insights from your own operation and see how other farmers are confronting some of the same exact challenges you face. 

It’s a beautiful thing when several thousand farmers can come together under one roof, and we can’t wait to see it unfold in Omaha. We can beat the odds together—come see how at Farmer2FarmerV. 

Join thousands of farmers across the FBN network

We don’t want you to miss out on this opportunity. Register now for Farmer2FarmerV and come together with thousands of farmers as we proudly wave that Farmers First flag together on December 11-13.

Brian Paff

Nov 29, 2019

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