We use farmer-submitted data in two ways:
The first is to create independent product evaluations based on real-world performance data across millions of acres. We help farmers turn their chemical application data into insights about product selection, and provide opportunities for substantial savings. For example, we conducted a national analysis of crop-acres sprayed with glyphosate and found little yield difference between the acres sprayed with 4-pound versus 6-pound glyphosate (less than 2 bu/A variance for both corn and soybeans).
The second way FBN® uses data is to create Price Transparency on hundreds of crop protection products. Farmers submit data about pricing in their local areas. Our latest Chemical Price Transparency Report found that herbicides and insecticides can account for as much as 15% of a farmer's variable cost of production. Some chemicals analyzed had as much as a 200% difference in price paid in the same state. We compare these prices to our standard, nationwide price - which is always the same for all FBN members, regardless of where they farm - to calculate estimated savings through FBN. All members can view our nationally-delivered price anytime right in their accounts at www.fbn.com/direct.