Verified FBN Member (WI)


Recommendation for gps system on a Hagie 2100 sprayer?

I run a Hagie 2100 over bout 4000 acres a year. I have a 15 year Trimble system now with auto swath and bump wheel auto steer. What have you used and liked for a new system with similar features? Thank you


Verified FBN Member (IL)

I have 2 Trimble FM750 w 3 EzSteer systems. I also run fm1000 that moves between EzPilot in tractor and EzSteer in combine. I started off w omni star XP then updated to HP and RTX for years. I've installed EzSteer in my JD4700 sprayer and used it last 2 yrs. I've run WAAS on sprayer w EzSteer for 4-5 years. It's not perfect but I'm satisfied. If I went back to RTX would be awesome. I run section control w/ WAAS on sprayer, w RTX with planter, liquid sidedressing, NH3 and combine yield mapping. You have experience w Trimble consider upgrading accuracy or equipment. Just my two cents, remember it;s free advice. You need Good retailer support for questions and hardware. These are the reasons I moved to Trimble.

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