Verified FBN Member (VA)


AutoSteer System for an Old Rogator 1254

We just purchased an old Rogator 1254 and would like to add an autosteer system to it. It came with a Trimble agGPS and a flow rate monitor branded lynx Solutions that appears to be an old 1990's windows 95 based system but it doesn't appear to work and I can't find any information on it.


We've never had an autosteer system before and their's no trimble dealers in my state (VA). We've got dealers but historically poor support for Raven from talking to the neighbors, and decent support for John Deere systems.


Would you go through a dealer to get the system's installed? What's the cheapest good option around? Are these systems pretty universal or made specific to each tractor?


Verified FBN Member (NE)

I think it tops out at 10 mph last I checked

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