Verified FBN Member (QLD, AUS)


What kind of run are people getting from case magnum rowtracks?


Verified FBN Member (QLD, AUS)

Haha thanks for your feed back. Thats what i was hopeing to hear. We have always been trimble on gps so thats no issure. Yeah cold never is an issue. Typical over heating on +40deg cel days. I like the idea of half tracs conpared to ur standard 2 trac or wheels for putting power to the ground.

Verified FBN Member (MN)

I have 1500hours on 18” tracks so far

Verified FBN Member (MN)

I love the tractor overall. Only problems I have had is with the DEF system and that has mainly been due to cold weather which you won’t have lol. Every other piece we have is green and I think John Deere has better GPS but if you are used to red you won’t care about this.

Verified FBN Member (QLD, AUS)

Sorry in general i guess. Any problems. Hrs on tracks things you may have learnt. If you wpuld buy another one😄? ******

Verified FBN Member (MN)

What does “what kind of run mean”. I have a magnum row track