Verified FBN Member (NE)


Do farmers leasing a new combine have a lower Cost/Acre than Used Combine owners?

Dad and I Found that John Deere has a ton (30+) combines listed at one dealer which all are 1-2yrs old with no more than 500 hrs on any of them.

What we are discussing and I'd like to bring it to discussion on here is that were these combines being used at a lower cost per acre for the first user than the second or possible third?

I am sure this could reach responses from new and used owners/renters.

Do farmers leasing a new combine have a lower Cost/Acre than Used Combine owners?



Verified FBN Member (OH)

Leasing is great if you are going to wear it out completely because if you keep it and do a buyout you will get screwed when you trade it in

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