Verified FBN Member (SD)


Best iron product for iron chlorosis.

I need to attempt to help some beans on high IDC ground this year. Anybody used anything that really works?


Verified FBN Member (IA)

Soygreen is amazing. I think rates and such probably depend on fields and ph. We run a half gallon on 240 acres and were very happy but our ph may not be as severe as someone elses. Its an amazing product with levesol in it which seems to help chelate other things as well the plant test were much better all around. I have no experience with the other products maybe they work the same or better.

Verified FBN Member (ND)

Liquid Soygreen in furrow. 1 gallon to the acre mixed with 4, preferably 5 gallons of water, but only apply it on the portions of fields that are prone to IDC. Do NOT skimp on the rate. If you short the rate too much, it won't work at all. It is expensive, but I've seen up to 25 bpa improvement in some areas. Easily 5 bpa in "normal" years. I budget a 10 bpa improvement where I apply. That'...


Darin Lickfeldt
FBN Agronomist
FBN Employee

I've heard good things about Microsync Ironclad from Verdesian. We don't have it available through FBN so you need to check other retailers. Label available at Its expensive but Ive heard of great results.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

From what I have been looking in to, it is ALL expensive! Don't know why Iron products have to cost so much.

Thanks for the tip and the info.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

I know a guy that said he had good luck with a product called procure from agnition. He said neighbors beans were dead and his were still fairly green.

Verified FBN Member (MB, CAN)


Oats or barley seeded in the row with the soybeans


Verified FBN Member (MB, CAN)

Yes have done this for 2 years now and have had very little idc. Been putting 30 lb oats in areas most likely to have idc. Keeps cost around a couple dollarsper acre depending on the field.

Verified FBN Member (SD)

I have heard of this before. But thought it just sounded strange. Have you tried it?

Verified FBN Member (KS)

Product called Calesco from Monty’s. Binds to Iron, Ca, and MG. Combined with more tolerant plant genetics which can come from anywhere.

Verified FBN Member (NE)


Comes in a liquid form to use in furrow or dry granular form to run through air seeders