Verified FBN Member (NE)


What’s everyone’s thoughts or experiences of just spreading straight urea for all your N needs?

I got a decent price on urea and it’s cheaper than 32% and close to AA. Was thinking of just putting all my N on that way. We are all dryland. Any suggestions? Timing of when to do it? How’s it’s worked for others ect? Thanks.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

If you do soil samples the CEC will tell you how much N your soil can hold. Usually will hold CEC x 10. 10 CEC will hold about 100 lbs. I do mine with 100% Urea in 2 applications due to my soil type. Sometime the second application is hard to get a timely rain so get a stabilizer.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

We farm three very different soil types, the biggest piece being fairly sandy. The other two are a lot heavier soils. We have been spreading dry 46-0-0 with two different passes. The first pass close to planting, and the second just before it gets too big to get over with tractor and high wheel spreader. We have a little burn on the leaves the second pass but I don’t see any yield loss. Since...



Verified FBN Member (SD)

We are in the Huron area. I put about 40% down pre plant and then finish over the top at knee to waist high corn. I think it is a good idea it breaks up your N applications. I agree that it is tough trying to catch that time before a rain, but if we put everything down on one shot and catch that 5 inch spring early summer rain, then it’s gone too. Both are a risk but I see more benefits split a...

Verified FBN Member (SD)

Where are you at in SD and what percent do you put down early? I put dry down before digging, then 28% down over the top with Pre after planting, was thinking maybe before it gets too tall could go over again, thoughts??

Verified FBN Member (AR)

Here in Arkansas most will put 100 lbs of urea and hip or bed up the rows. Then at 4 leaf spray and spread rest of urea with stabilizer. I feel that the stabilizer is essential. This is corn. I just 2 ton of litter this year for all the pre plant fertilizer. Will do the same in 2020 if everything works out.

Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

I have been spreading urea in the spring ahead of drill for several years now. Extremely happy with results.

Verified FBN Member (IL)

Did this about ten yrs ago. No rain and lost most of it. Took a yieldhit

Verified FBN Member (NE)

I’m from Nebraska. Heavy clay soil. Just wanted to put most of my urea up front early in the spring when it’s cool and usually rains. If we wait till June when our corn is waist high it’s usually hot and may not rain for two weeks.


Verified FBN Member (ND)

Everyone’s ground is different. I don’t know where you are located. Our ground is light enough that on that amount I would consider putting half on before planting and half in season. I get nervous about a decent rain washing some too deep. I realize that is easier to justify if you aren’t having to have it custom applied. Just my thoughts. I typically put about 75 lbs actual N on some sandier gr...


Verified FBN Member (MN)


West central MN... for corn

Usually we broadcast urea n all fertilizer in the field in the spring... and dig the field to get it ready to plant...

Last year planter wasnt set right so broadcast extra urea over the top. Did it right before a rain so rain would take it down to the root.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

Thanks **. We want to do it on corn. Want to put on 170 lbs of actual N. Never done it before would like to hear some more feed back


Verified FBN Member (SD)

On our farm which is an hour away from the Missouri River we spread all of the urea in the spring. We've put as much as 450# and never really had any issues.

Verified FBN Member (ND)

Pretty common in S.W. ND to broadcast all N as urea over the top of wheat. We are a pretty dry area compared to most.

I generally will broadcast with my own spreader trying to time it a few days before a good chance of rain.

We don’t grow much corn but we have do this with our corn too.