Charles Baron
FBN Employee


How can we improve FBN Community?

We've added a few new features: you can use @ to tag a member to a post or comment. And you can now # words to add them to a topic thread. Example - "Check out FBN Chief Economist, @Verified FBN Member 's recent post on #chemical price transparency."

What features would you most like to see?


Verified FBN Member (CO)

Adding a section for help wanted, or those looking for jobs type section would be great, there seems to be a lot of posts about that (including myself) and that is the biggest challenge we face right now.


Charles Baron
FBN Employee


Thanks @Verified FBN Member - we will definitely work on adding a #Jobs / Job Seeking section. If you're looking for H2A labor, check out, they spoke at #Farmer2Farmer and help with recruiting. @Verified FBN Member is FBN Community's Product Manager, don't hesitate to reach out with other requests!