Verified FBN Member (CO)


What is everyone doing with their empty chemical shuttles/totes?

I've contacted schutz for their free pickup and there are so many terms and restrictions, I'm afraid they're going to bill me for the pickup if they aren't clean enough or damaged.


Verified FBN Member (CO)

We sell them for 15 just too get rid of them have sold 74 so far

Verified FBN Member (IN)

Sale them. Usually get $35.00 to $50.00 a piece out of them. Hunters use as a deer hunting hut.

Verified FBN Member (KS)

We use them for waste oil, scrap, firewood, and we put the combine shields in them at the end of harvest.

Verified FBN Member (IN)

I put used oil in them, cut the top out and use for scrap tote, I've cut a "door" in the side of one to use as a goat hauler for my daughter's 4h goat.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

I have a pile of them behind a shed. Once in a while I need a couple to temporarily hold some bulk fluid, starters usually, so have some cleaned out and sitting around isn't all bad.

We also use one for bulk used oil. When it is full, a neighbor burns it in his shop furnace, we can use forks to move it around.

Verified FBN Member (CO)

We rinse them out, cut the tops out and then use them for scrap iron storage or a trash bin. The rest sit in a pile until we figure something else out. Atrazine and Paraquat are the only ones that sometimes get picked up but last year even those the dealers didn’t want back.

Verified FBN Member (MT)

I work in an ag chemical store we have stopped letting customers bring back empty totes because they are so hard to get rid of.