Verified FBN Member (KS)


Has anyone tried oats for a cover crop after beans and before corn?

We currently plant rye after corn before beans and it works great. We Eliminate April burn down sprayer pass plus enjoy all the agronomic benefits. Hoping to find something that will eliminate the spring burn down ahead of corn but afraid rye will keep the ground too cool to plant corn first week of April. South central Kansas


Verified FBN Member (IN)

Notill planting into living cover crops in general has been easier for me. I use a .5 bu bin run wheat, 1bu bin run oat, 4lb crimson clover mix after sb harvest (Aug-Oct)before going to corn(April-May). Spray after I plant with own rig so I get the most use of residuals. Ground dries faster and has been same temp as bare ground. Ground temp doesnt drop as much overnight as bare ground in early spring. Ive had the living roots close my trench for me when Ive got impatient, should have waited though. Im south of US 50 for perspective, so I know I have bigger window of opportunity than those north of me.

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