Shannon Fong
FBN Employee


What Accounting System Do You Use On Your Farm? (Poll Results)

2,292 FBN members spanning 7.7 million acres of farms responded to today’s poll where we asked, “which accounting system do you primarily use on your farm?”

Members reported that QuickBooks® is the most popular accounting system across the USA & Canada. As farming operations grow in acreage, fewer members utilize paper & pencil and excel to manage accounting records.

For members who responded “other”, which primary accounting systems do you use on your farm? How would you rate your experience?

  • What Accounting System Do You Use On Your Farm? (Poll Results)
  • What Accounting System Do You Use On Your Farm? (Poll Results)



Verified FBN Member (MN)


Switched from FBS to Microsoft Dynamics NAV a year and half ago.

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