Verified FBN Member (MN)


Has anyone planted gen-1/RR1 soybeans on 22 inch rows? Did they yield just as good as RR2’s?


Verified FBN Member (MO)

Why when liberty credenz are available. No weeds


Verified FBN Member (MN)

GT27 Liberty program worked good as well as xtend program, both good weed control compared to straight roundup programs, water hemp is the one that comes late and needs to be considered as roundup alone does not give total control, no straight RR beans here anymore

Verified FBN Member (MN)

We have planted soybeans on 22 inch rows for more than 10 years, do not plant rr1 at all any more but plant newer genetics as we believe they are breed for better yield. We also treat every soybean seed and save the cost by lower population, we plant 80000 to 130000 variable rate, RR1 should be treated the same way if germination is good.

Verified FBN Member (MN)

I plant on 22" very little less yield between rr1 and rr2 on my farm. I do plant my rr1 around 200000 plants per acre.


Verified FBN Member (MN)

34 on rr1 on poor field to 40 on rr2 on good fields. I figure I would have to get around 9 bushel per acre better with the rr2 just to pay for the seed.

Verified FBN Member (MN)

What would you say the yield difference is between rr1 and RR2 on your farm?

Verified FBN Member (KS)

I plant on 15" and they yeild fantastic. I won't plant them any other way. I don't have mold pressure.


Verified FBN Member (MN)

I have a couple friends that do 7” and 15” I’m just nervous getting to wide at 22” might be to much for a gen1?