Verified FBN Member (TN)


Has anyone used ****** as their corn post? Thinking about trying some but would like some feedback.


Verified FBN Member (TN)

What was the cost per ac using laudis?


Verified FBN Member (CO)

We paid $3.08/oz last year. Bought from the local coop. So a 3oz rate ran us $9.24/ac just for the Laudis. Maybe could have used Status or diflexx or something else for a lower overall cost than the mix we used. Again, I don’t recommend using it that late but it was effective.

Verified FBN Member (CO)

We tried it last year in a rescue spray. We had pigweed & grass escapes in one field but couldn't get to it until corn was around 36-40". Agronomist suggested we try Laudis and in with some Dicamba to help "safen" the Dicamba. Smarter people than me on here can tell you if that's an accurate assessment or not. So we turned our nozzles to a 30" pattern and sprayed between the rows. We used 3oz Laud...
