Verified FBN Member (PA)


2 miles from train wreck….

Ok, we are 2 miles from the train wreck in East Palestine OH. We currently cut n bale about 200 acres (mostly small squares) for horse customers.

We are extremely worried about the effects of the chemicals that were released. There is already a fish die off and reports of chicken and cow mortality.

What should we do/look for? What would you do? New territory for us, just looking for some ideas.



2 miles from train wreck….



Verified FBN Member (OH)

As a farmer in Central Ohio and knowing people in western Ohio, there is always a bunch of hay available in our side of the state. If you are considering tearing your hay stands up, you have people on the other side of the state that can help supply hay. I would rather you do what is safe for the animals than have them die of the possible toxins. I know Kidron and Mt. Hope auctions of hay and straw on the east side of the state have quite a bit of hay and straw both. You can also arrange shipments by truck from Central and Western Ohio. Good luck to you guys.

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