Verified FBN Member (IL)


What is the best type of heat for a shop?

Going back and forth between in floor heat and radiant heat. What’s everybody got? Any experience with either?



Verified FBN Member (IA)

I worked several years in a shop with only radiant tube heaters. The managers of the place turned the heat down at night and back up in the morning. All the steel, concrete, walls and everything else got cold over night. It took several hours to bring all that mass back up to 60 deg. Somewhere in that time frame someone had to crawl up on top of a truck and try and work. It had to be near 100 degrees up there so he had someone turn the heat off, meanwhile the guy crawling around on the floor under the truck still had his winter coat on. Its really hard to force heat down, and even harder to get cold air to rise in the summer. In contrast the first shop I worked in had in-floor heat, even in the dead of winter you never even thought about the building being heated as it was just comfortable wherever you were working, kind-a like it just happened. It did cool off some if we cycled overhead door several times in a short time span. I'm a huge fan of in floor heat, but well insulated floor, footings will make or break any heat system.

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