Verified FBN Member (NE)


Any biologicals with good ROI?

Anyone having success with biologicals in corn and soybeans? Give as many specifics as possible please (yields, application rate/timing/cost,   *).



Verified FBN Member (IA)

I began seeing soil issues about 5 years after livestock manure was replaced with commercial fertilizer. Wanted to find a reliable, high probability of return product to turn things around. Yield Igniter, 48oz/ A, published USDA ( 3yr+) average 7.6bpa corn (in furrow or V6) and 5bpA soybeans (V4-V6), also increases tonnage on hay. For about $8.25/A, get 3:1 ROI or better with 12bpa corn and 6bpa soybeans averages in 2019. Tank mixes well for 2nd pass corn 2nd and gly' or glu' on beans. (Not labeled for Dicamba or Enlist that I know of). Its a 9-9-3 with humic and fulvic acid from patented process. Plants gain root mass, standability, and performance. Soil health builds from carbon and feeding microbes. Send your questions to      or look them up. There is a good short term investment with long term benefits.

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