Verified FBN Member (NE)


E3 vs Extend soybeans

What is everyone going with for a trait package on soybeans? We are on the fence with these two options, planted the e3 last year and have not planted any extend yet so wanted to hear some opinions.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

Been RR forever, went 100% Extend last year and had above average bean yields and great weed control. I'm doing all Extend this year, but have never tried E3 beans.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

The local coop guy said we're starting to get 2,4-D resistant water hemp coming in from Nebraska so he recommends dicamba.

Verified FBN Member (SD)

Have been straight Liberty for 10 years. Tried some E3 in '19 for seed production and the yields were below my average. Going to try some E3 again, about 40%. A little GT27LL. The Liberty's were my best yield again so I am staying with them for the rest.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

About 50% E3 , 50% extend in 50% in 2019, logistics of two different traits a pain but doable...we produce seed for big P so the E3, have used extend for 3 yrs...satisfied with both!, as said E3 is less restrictive and more flexible, xtend has more extended chem. activity, yield wise...verdict still date played more this year than trait yield lag or not. Side note....becau...


Verified FBN Member (IA)

We were 90% E3 here in 2019, the other 10% was Extend but treated as just RR. Our all our enlist beans beat the extend beans we had for yield and price. E3 beans have been bred for as long or longer than Extend beans just didn't have the approval. We don't like the risk associated with extend. No special applicator meetings. Near zero drift and volatility, can spray right up to sensitive crops ...


Verified FBN Member (NE)

We had comaparable yield with both but weed control was better with Xtend. It’s a pain to purge sprayer of dicamba after our pre emerge pass but kill was outstanding.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

Xtend. All of them.

Verified FBN Member (KS)


ABoth are very good products chemical wise, but we are going with dicamba as it is a translocating herbicide and kills the root. E3 does not.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

I was all in on E3 beans for 2020,but after running combine though them, very disappointed in yeild. So we are doing some E3, GT27LL, and some Extend(more extend than others)