Verified FBN Member (NE)


Anyone in 22 inch rows? If so, do you go off seed company recommended planting populations?

Trying to figure out what to plant corn at in 2022 in 22 inch rows. Do I go off what company recommends for planting population per genetic? Always seem to ask dealers, but some aren't sure of answers as 22's are not super popular in my area. Trying several new genetics all similar population recommendations for where I wanna be. All are semi flex as well.


Verified FBN Member (MO)

Been on 20 in for ten years. Don’t up it very much from where you’ve been. We variable rate by soil type from 32000 on poor dirt to 39000 on best soil. You can go higher but really need to watch stalk quality ratings and try for a hybrid with more of a upright leaf structure when going higher


Verified FBN Member (IA)

There’s a guy on tic tok. “Bushelsandbarrels” I think. Had a nice video on transition to narrow rows. On population...said don’t change it from what you ran on 30s.

Verified FBN Member (WI)

We found that not increasing population at all compared to what you plant in 30’s and planting a flex ear type hybrid allows for better yields. I believe this is just caused by the additional spacing in the rows and allows the corn to flex more.


Verified FBN Member (WI)

i found that planting 22 inch rows at 36000 works the best in southwest wisconsin

Verified FBN Member (OR)


I am sticking to 30 inch rows for all my irrigated corn. Reasons - well it’s just fewer furrows and less labor to irrigate 30 inch rows versus 22 inch. Also my sprayer has a 60 inch wheelbase - so the tires fit perfectly into the furrows.

Seed density is 36-38 thousand per acre.

Many locally grow on 22 inch furrows citing bigger yields versus 30. For my operation, the marginal increase is not...


Verified FBN Member (SD)

I would rather error on the low side than high. Seed costs money and has a lower roi the higher the population goes. Higher seeding rates also bring increased risk of drought stress and lodging. Proper population will depend on soils production capability, fertility program, hybrid flex, dry land or irrigation. On my operation 30-33000 seems to be about the best roi for most of our acres. (22” row...


Verified FBN Member (OR)

We grow on 22 inch rows. All irrigated ground. We’re planting around 39,000 seeds.

Verified FBN Member (MT)

A 22” row has 27% less space between rows compared with a 30” row. I am stating the obvious; but your spacing between each plant will also be 27% bigger. You should be able to increase your plant population by somewhere in the middle…say 10-15% of your ideal population for the same variety with a 30” row. This is because you will have more effective use of the area you plant on; with less sunlight...
